Vanessa Valdez Cruz

program coordinator

Vanessa was born and raised in Los Angeles where she attended East Los Angeles College and transferred to U.C.L.A to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Sociology, and double minor in Chicanx studies and Education. As a first-generation college student, and woman of color she experienced firsthand the barriers BTSV students face on a daily basis. 

This developed a passion towards higher education accessibility, family services, and student advocacy which led to being involved in many leadership roles for over 7 years in coordinating transfer-receptive/higher education receptive culture organizations and public schools along with communities and families. She has dedicated her professional development in mentoring, counseling, and providing academic/holistic support to scholars in communities across the Los Angeles area. 

She is enthusiastic to continue supporting and guiding students at BTSV through their educational trajectory and professional development. She hopes that the knowledge and experience she gains in BTSV as Program and Tutoring Coordinator will equip her in pursuing her Masters and PhD in Public Policy and higher education in the near future.